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National Chin-Yi University of Technology - Taiwan



Kesempatan bagi mahasiswa Diploma-4 Polban untuk meneruskan kuliah jenjang master di NCUT.

Kali ini menerima jurusan :

1. Teknk Mesin

2. Teknik Refrigerasi

3. Teknik Kimia

4. Teknik Elektronika

5. Teknik Listrik

6. Teknik Informasi

7. Administrasi Niaga



1. Download formulir pendaftaran, isi dan upload ke (Application Form)

2. IPK >3.00 (menyerahkan copy transkrip semester 7)

3. TOEFL> 450 or IELTS> 3.5 or TOEIC> 470 or EPT>400 or TOCFL>A2 (menyertakan copy sertifikat)

4. Biaya pembuatan passport dan visa serta tiket pesawat ditanggung peserta


Full English lecture.

First year (tuition waive for outstanding students)

Second year (20% of top rank among International students will get full tuition waiver, 30% after that will get 50% tuition waiver, the rest are none)

There is no monthly stipend available from the university, you may ask your professor for additional financial by helping him on his project. You can contact NCUT to find an available professor right after receiving LoA. You also recommended to arrive at NCUT about one week before first semester begin.

Living expenses: meal 200 USD/month

Dormitory: 90 USD/month

Insurance: 25 USD/month

Beasiswa Magister Program dan Bachelor Program


  • The online application system for Fall semester will be open from 1st April to 13th May.

  • Students who are interested in fall program can survey the online application system and prepare the required documents in advance.

  • The online application system for Spring semester will be open in December.


Master Degree to NCUT for September 2016 entry

Six students graduated from diploma 4 program have gone for master degree. They have got scholarship from NCUT' professors. They are:

  1. Fikri Rahmat Fasya, Diploma IV, Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering, superfvised by Prof Win-Jet Luo, research topic: Heat pump, Dehumidification sysytem, Machine tool cooling system, Fuel cell, Multifunctional air conditioner.

  2. Danan Kristianto, Diploma IV, Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering, supervised by Prof Yean-Der Kuan, research topic: Renewable Energy, Heat and Flow Simulation, Energy Saving

  3. Aindri Yuliane, Diploma IV, Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering, supervised  by Prof Yu-Lieh Wu, research topic: Rotary and thermal wheels integrated air handing unit 

  4. Adithya Pratama, Diploma IV, Chemical Engineering, supervised by Prof Jing-Shan Do, research topic: Electrochemical gas sensors, electrochemical biosensors, lithium batteries

  5. Ade Julistian, Diploma IV, Chemical Engineering, supervised by Prof  An-Ya Lo, research topic: Mesoporous catalyst for electrochemistry applications

  6. Made Rama Pradipta Arya, Diploma IV Mechanical Engineering Design and Construction, supervised by Prof Jui-Pin Hung, research topic: Compter Aided Engineering Technology and Application  (FEM. CAE) 


Master Degree to NCUT for Fall Semester 2017 entry

  1. Kiki Andrean, Diploma IV Mechanical Engineering Design and Construction.

  2. Audia, Diploma IV, Chemical Engineering.

  3. Fikri Hizbul Mulki, Diploma IV, Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering 2012.


Master Degree to NCUT for Spring Semester 2019 entry

  1. Aziz Abdurrahman Chamidy, Diploma IV Mechanical Engineering Design and Construction 2014.

  2. Nadiah Alhusna Pramudya, Diploma IV, Electronical Engineering 2014.

  3. Endyastuti Pravitasari, Diploma IV, Business Administration 2013.

  4. Sheila Sylvia Permatasari, Diploma IV, Business Administration 2014, 

  5. , Diploma IV, Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.

  6. , Diploma IV, Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.


Master Degree to NCUT for Fall Semester 2019 entry

  1. MUHAMMAD ADZKIA NUR FADHILLAH SURYANA, Diploma IV Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.

  2. RAYDHA ZUL FITRIANI, Diploma IV Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.

  3. Indra Permana, Diploma IV Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.

  4. UTAMI NURI ADILAH, Diploma IV Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.

  5. REZA FADHIL MUHAMMAD, Diploma IV Refrigeration & Air Cond. Engineering.


Master Degree to NCUT for Spring Semester 2020 entry (Guide Book)







Master Degree to NCUT for Fall Semester 2021 entry (Guide Book




National Chin-Yi University of Technology

57, Section 2, Zhongshan Road,

Taiping, Taichung City 41170,

Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL: +886-4-23924505 ext.2651-2655

FAX: +886-4-23922926

School Website:

Application Website:

Politeknik Negeri Bandung                                                               email:

Jl Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds Ciwaruga, PO Box 1234                                Telegram:

Bandung 40012, West Java, INDONESIA


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