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Immigration Matters

Entry Regulation

You will need a visa to enter Indonesia – in which you can obtain at the nearest Embassy or Consular Office of Indonesia in your country. Important : Due to new rule from Immigration office, we need to proceess permit letter to all the students to extend all the international students visa. We need around more than 2 months to process this letter to our ministry. Please make sure you already give us your complete data maximum 3 months prior to your departure to Bandung.


Here are types of visas you could apply:


1.  Index B-211 Visa or VKSB

Another category of visit visa is VKSB (Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya – Social/Cultural Visit Visa) – a visa for those coming to Indonesia for a short-term stays, not as tourists and not for business. This single entry visit visa refers to Index B-211 and is valid for 30 – 60 days.

For visa matter, you are required to process a Social & Cultural Visit Visa (VKSB) in the nearest Indonesian Embassy in your country. Please be advised that the VKSB must state “Polban Bandung” as the sponsor. Please also kindly take with you the Letter of Acceptance for your visa application. Started from 17th October 2014, the Indonesian Immigration Office informed that the maximum (VKSB) visa extension would be 4 (four) times. Due to that reason, we strongly recommend you to process a VKSB which valid for 60 days

We would never recommend you to use the Visa on Arrival (VOA) which is only intended for those who are visiting Indonesia as tourists, NOT for those intending to live for an extended period of time because this kind of visa is not extendable.

Requirements to obtain the Index B-211 Visa are as follows:

  1. A letter of acceptance which invites you to stay/study in Indonesia

  2. Your passport

  3. A copy of return trip ticket (if required)

  4. A couple of photos with red background

  5. Application form (provided by the Visa Section of the Indonesian Embassy)

  6. Visa fee

2. VITAS (Limited Stay Visa)

Three kinds of VITAS valid for:

6 months

12 months

24 months

The process of applying the VITAS takes 2 – 3 months before your arrival in Indonesia. The reason is that Study Permit (Izin Studi) must be applied to DIKTI (the Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia – Jakarta) before you apply for VITAS.

The following are detailed documents you should prepare for Study Permit (Izin Studi) and VITAS:

1.  A letter of Recommendation from the Director Polban (You can ask directy to international office)

2.  An Academic Report/Transcript

3.  A Curriculum Vitae/Resume (sample)

4.  A letter of Declaration stating that you (sample):

will obey Indonesian rules and laws

will not involve in any work activities

5.  A letter of Sponsorship or of Financial guarantee (if you are privately financed) (sample)

6.  Health Report (signed by a medical doctor)

7.  A copy of valid Passport:

12-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 6-month SP and KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Visa)

18-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 12-month SP and KITAS

30-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 24-month SP and KITAS

So, if your passport nearing expiration, we recommend that you have it renew to the maximum time allowable before you begin applying procedures.

8. Letter of Admission from Polban

9.  Three sheets of passport-size photos (4 x 6) red background

Since Study Permit and VITAS are applied before your arrival, the Polban Office of International Affair will then precede the application to the Immigration Office in Bandung. After being approved, the Immigration Office will send a telex of a letter of approval to the Indonesian Embassy or Consular Office in related countries, in which you can get the VITAS mentioned. Therefore, please send the above documents (1 – 9) to International Office.



a. Police Report

Within the first 24-hours of your arrival in Indonesia, you must get the:

1.  STM / STMD

Within the first 24-hours of your arrival in Indonesia, you must get the STM/STMD (Surat Tanda Melapor Diri) – a resort report acknowledging your residence from the POA (Pengawasan Orang Asing – Foreigners’ Surveillance) of the resort police office nearest your residence.

Here are the requirements:

  1. A copy of your passport

  2. A copy of the KTP (Indonesian ID Card) of the host


Failure to do this within 3 days will probably constitute a violation of a legal hassle that can only be overcome through the payment of IDR 5.000.000 fine and a maximum of 1 year in jail.


Students holding KITAS card must register with the National Police within 30 days of issuance of the Stay Permit. The Police Department (Direktorat Intelpam, Sub Direktorat Pengawasan Orang Asing) will issue  an SKLD (Surat Keterangan Lapot Diri – Certificate of Police Registration), which is an important document and you must keep this card or a photocopy with you at all times.

Here are the requirements:

  1. A letter of recommendation from Polban Office of International Affair

  2. A copy of your passport

  3. A copy of your KITAS Card and Bluebook

  4. A police finger print report

  5. A completed application form (provided by the Police Headquarters)

  6. 3 sheets of 3×4 size photos (red background)


  1. Failure to report exposes you to harsh punishment. Article 61 of the immigration law, number 9 year 1992 says failure to report would expose you to a miximum of IDR 5.000.000 fine and a maximum of 1 year in jail

“Orang asing sudah mempunyai izin tinggal (KITAS) yang tidak melapor kepada kantor Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia di tempat kediamannya dalam waktu 30 hari terhitung sejak diperolehnya izin tinggal, dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 tahun atau denda paling banyak Rp5.000.000,-”.

  • This Yellow Card and your EPO (Exit Permit Only) must be returned to the Polban Office of International Affair before you return home.

b.      Extention Procedures

1.  VKSB

The extension for VKSB or Index B-211 Visa can be applied up to 4 times and only in the same district. The first-three extension will be granted by Kantor Imigrasi, while the last will require a prior approval from the Kantor Wilayah Hukum dan Ham (Regional Office of Laws and Human Rights) before the issuance by the Kantor Imigrasi. Each extension has a legal fee of IDR 300,000, and you have to get the application forms in the Kantor Imigrasi.

The following are the requirements to apply for the visa extension:

  1. A letter of recommendation from Polban Office of International Affair

  2. A letter of sponsor (Surat Jaminan - a blank one provided by Kantor Imigrasi)

  3. A copy of KTP (Indonesian ID Card) of the sponsor

  4. Application forms

  5. A copy of Arrival Card (for the first extention)

Started from 1st December 2014, the Indonesian Immigration Office demands all international students to obtain Study Permit Letter which will be used for visa extension during the study. Please be advised that there is a processing fee/charge for the study permit letter. The letter normally could take 2 – 3 months to be processed in the Jakarta Immigration Office. If the Study Permit Letter has not been released by the time you need to extend the visa, we will suggest you to travel to the closest Indonesian Embassy outside Indonesia such as Malaysia, Singapore etc to obtain a new VKSB.

For your information, the Indonesian Immigration Office has informed that applicants from the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, as well as for residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip might experience a longer time of VKSB process


Your KITAS must be extended 2 months before the expired date of your KITAS. The documents you should prepare are nearly the same as those when applying:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School or Study Program addressed to the Polban Office of International Affair

  2. A letter of recommendation issued by the Polban Office of International Affair and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Bandung

  3. Immigration application forms

  4. A form of sponsorship

  5. A letter of Study Permit

3.  SKLD

After the KITAS extension, you should also extend your SKLD (30 days after you get the KITAS at the latest). For this, you should prepare:

  1. A letter of recommendation from Polban Office of International Affair addressed to the Head of the Regional Police Department in Bandung

  2. An application form issued by the Police Department

  3. The original Yellow Card Form (SKLD Form)

  4. A letter of Study Permit

  5. A copy of STM/STMD

  6. A copy of a valid passport

  7. A copy of KITAS

  8. A form of sponsorship

  9. Four sheets of 4 x 6 size with a red background photograph



  1. Temporary Return

When international students return to their home countries and go abroad for traveling or doing research, you must tell about the detail of your itinerary to the Polban Office of International Affair and your faculty at least  a week before your departure.

Please also apply for Re-Entry Permit to Immigration Office Bandung seven (7) days before your travel. Re-Entry Permit enables you to maintain your current residential status when you go abroad and come back to Indonesia again. If you do not obtain Re-Entry Permit and leave Indonesia, your residential status will be cancelled and you must apply for a new visa from the beginning. Please keep in mind about this.

The following are documents you should prepare:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School addressed to the Vice Director of Partnership and Polban Office of International Affair

  2. A letter of recommendation issued by the Polban Office of International Affair and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Bandung

  3. Application forms

  4. A copy of a valid passport

  2. Exit Permit Only

When international students return to their home countries.

The following are documents you should prepare:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School addressed to the Vice Director of Partnership and Polban Office of International Affair

  2. A letter of recommendation issued by the Polban Office of International Affair and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Bandung

  3. Application forms

  4. A copy of a valid passport & KITAS

  5. A copy of a return ticket   

3. Prior to Departure

  1. We would like to inform you that prior to your departure, you will need to pay the registration fee USD 100 to cover Study Permit Letter charges, pick-up service, stamp duties and photo fees as well as other immigration charges. Herewith we would like to inform you that transfer will be the best payment method with detail as follow:

Account Name           : Direktur Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Account Number        :

Bank                         :

Branch Office             :

Swift Code                 :

After completing the transfer, please kindly confirm and send us the transfer receipt by email to

For your information, the Indonesian Immigration Office applies other immigration charges upon your arrival. Please kindly find the detailed charge information in this following link : Immigration-Matter-Cost-Information.

Politeknik Negeri Bandung                                                               email:

Jl Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds Ciwaruga, PO Box 1234                                Telegram:

Bandung 40012, West Java, INDONESIA


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