The History of Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Education Program Diploma in engineering was opened through Director General of Higher Education Decree No. 03 / DJ / Kep / 1979 dated January 27, 1979, and the name of Politeknik ITB was called due to under the auspices of the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). It was only 4 courses in three departments i.e. Civil Engineering Study Program (Department of Civil Engineering); The study program Mechanical Engineering (Department of Mechanical Engineering); Engineering Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Department of Electrical Engineering). Politeknik ITB start admissions for the first time in the 1982/1983 academic year
In 1997 POLITEKNIK ITB become an independent institution separated from ITB in passing out into Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN) through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 085 / O / 1997.